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GOW-MAC Instrument Co. Headquarters/ Manufacturing Plant 277 Brodhead Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017. Tel: 610-954-9000 Fax: 610-954-0599. Email: GOW-MAC Instrument Co. 6 277 Brodhead Road 6 Bethlehem, PA 18017 6 U.S.A.. Tel: (610) 954-9000 6 Fax: (610) 954-0599 6 E-mail: sales@gow-mac.com 6 URL: GOW-MAC Instrument Co. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental Specifications — Series 1200 Trace Nitrogen in Argon Analyzer. GOW-MAC Instrument Co. Series 23-550 Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer. Rev. 7 11/07. 5. IMPORTANT WARNING. THIS MANUAL MUST BE CAREFULLY READ BY ALL INDIVIDUALS Series 1200 Trace N2 in Ar Analyzer Nitrogen impurity measurement made fast, simple, 0-20/0-200 ppm SB-1200 Global Headquarters GOW-MAC Instrument Co. MAC. ®. 1200. Operator's Manual. Version 1. 227 492 04 GA (USA) This manual is subject to the GE Marquette change order service. How To Reach Us.GOW-MAC Series 580 Isothermal Gas Chromatograph with Thermal Conductivity Detector. System includes: 580 Mainframe, 110V, 60 Hz. Cables, Multi Box, PCI Card Series 1200 - Trace (PPB) Gas Analyzers by GOW-MAC Instrument Co.. Guaranteed 10 ppb sensitivity. Measuring system based on spectral emission of argon
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